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European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
Food safety
Single Market Programme - Food

SMP Food implements the EU’s actions to contribute to a high level of health for humans, animals and plants.

€175.3m & €167m
in 2021 and 2022
in 2021
€690 000
Other actions
in 2021

The EU facilitates the continued strengthening of its single market. The objectives of the EU single market are to protect and empower EU citizens, to ease doing business, to create jobs and stimulate growth.  

To contribute to these objectives, in 2021 the EU adopted the Regulation (EU) 2021/690. This new SMP brings together the Union actions in the fields of competitiveness of enterprises, especially SMEs, consumer protection, customers and end-users in financial services, policymaking in financial services and in the plant, animal, food and feed areas. 

From 2021 to 2027, with a budget of €1.68 billion, the SMP Food strand contributes to the following: 

  • Prevention, control and eradication of certain animal diseases and plant pests; 
  • Fight against antimicrobial resistance; 
  • Improving animal welfare across the EU; 
  • Prevention of food waste and combatting fraud; 
  • Sustainable and resilient production of food; 
  • Effectiveness and reliability of official controls along the food chain; 
  • EU 'Farm to Fork' targets. 

HaDEA coordinates and manages the delivery of the programme actions as defined in the Annual Work Programmes for SMP – Food


Funding areas

SMP food BG
Call management and work programmes
